
Effective Learning & Teaching in Mathematics & Its Applications / edited by Peter Kahn & Joseph Kyle

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 7492
نوع المادة book
ردمك 0749435690
رقم الطلب 510.71 Kah
العنوان Effective Learning & Teaching in Mathematics & Its Applications / edited by Peter Kahn & Joseph Kyle
بيانات النشر London, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Kogan Page, 2002.
الوصف المادي xix, 220 p : 24* 15 cm ; ill, index 219-220

Published in association with the Institute for Learning and Teaching, and the Times Higher Education Supplement Includes bibliographical references and index appendex 212-216, index 219-220 not cov


المواضيع Mathematics - Study and teaching
teaching mathematics
Mathematics - Study and teaching (Higher)

Varying Form Title Effective learning and teaching in mathematics and its applications
الأسماء المرتبطة Kahn, Peter
Kyle, Joseph