
Literacy Strategies for Improving Mathematics Instruction / Joan M. Kenney ... [et al.]

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 0
رقم التسجيلة 7309
نوع المادة book
ردمك 1416602305
رقم الطلب 510.71 Ken
العنوان Literacy Strategies for Improving Mathematics Instruction / Joan M. Kenney ... [et al.]
بيانات النشر Alexandria, Va, [UNITED STATES]: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2005.
الوصف المادي 113 p : 23 cm ; ill


الملاحظات الببليوجرافية

Includes bibliographical references and index Mathematics as language / by Joan M. Kenney -- Reading in the mathematics classroom / by Diana Metsisto -- Writing in the mathematics classroom / by Cynthia L. Tuttle -- Graphic representation in the mathematics classroom / by Loretta Heuer -- Discourse in the mathematics classroom / by Euthecia Hancewicz -- Creating mathematical metis / by Joan M. Kenney

المواضيع Mathematics - Study and teaching

الأسماء المرتبطة Kenney, Joan M
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development