
On the Beach at Night Alone / Walt Whitman

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 6408
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9780141398228
رقم الطلب 823 Y/ Whi
المؤلف Whitman, Walt

العنوان On the Beach at Night Alone / Walt Whitman
بيانات النشر Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1892.
الوصف المادي 50p : 16x11cm

"On the Beach at Night Alone" by Walt Whitman is a reflective, philosophical poem that appears in his collection Leaves of Grass. Written in Whitman’s signature free verse style, the poem explores themes of solitude, connection, and the eternal nature of the universe.

In the poem, Whitman conveys the thoughts of an individual who stands alone on a beach at night, contemplating the sky and the stars. The setting serves as a backdrop for broader reflections on the interconnectedness of all things and the cosmic forces that bind humanity with the universe. Whitman often uses natural elements as metaphors, and in this case, the beach and night sky serve as symbols of the infinite and the unknowable aspects of existence.

Whitman’s sense of transcendence and cosmic unity is evident as he muses on life’s greater meaning, the interconnectedness of living beings, and the idea that even in solitude, one is never truly alone. The poem emphasizes a unity between the speaker and the broader universe, suggesting that humans are inherently linked to nature and the cosmos, even when they feel isolated.

Key Themes:

  1. Solitude and Reflection: The speaker’s solitude on the beach symbolizes a meditative state, where personal reflection leads to insights about the broader human experience.
  2. Connection with the Universe: Whitman expresses the idea that humans are an integral part of the universe, even when alone. He suggests that there’s a deep, spiritual connection between individuals and the natural world.
  3. Transcendence and Timelessness: The poem explores ideas of eternity, suggesting that there is a timeless quality to existence, one that extends beyond individual lives.

Style and Structure:

  • Whitman uses free verse, which allows him to explore complex ideas without the constraints of rhyme or meter. His language is rich in imagery, especially when describing the night sky and the natural world.
  • The poem's tone is contemplative and philosophical, typical of Whitman’s larger body of work.

Whitman’s view of solitude in "On the Beach at Night Alone" is not one of loneliness, but one of deep introspection and connection with the eternal. The poem reflects his transcendentalist leanings, where the self and the universe are inextricably linked, and every individual experience is part of a greater cosmic whole.

The poem captures the essence of Whitman’s belief in the beauty and unity of the human spirit, even in moments of isolation. It is a profound meditation on existence, our place within the universe, and the eternal nature of life.

المواضيع British literature

المواضيع Short Stories