
Reflections from Heaven, Meditations on Earth: Modern Calligraphic Art from the Arab World / Jordanian Royal Society of Fine Arts

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 6245
نوع المادة book
رقم الطلب 745.565 R/Jor
المؤلف Jordanian Royal Society of Fine Arts

العنوان Reflections from Heaven, Meditations on Earth: Modern Calligraphic Art from the Arab World / Jordanian Royal Society of Fine Arts
بيانات النشر عمان: Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, 2012.
الوصف المادي 200p : 28x21cm

Mercati di Traiano, Rome – 21st Mar 2012
Museu Valencia de la Il.lustracio I de la Modernitat, MuVIM, Valencia – 15th Jan 2013

Casa de America, Madrid – 28th Mar – 28th May 2014

“Reflections from Heaven, Meditations on Earth: Modern Calligraphic Art from the Arab World” an exhibition organized by the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts in cooperation with the Municipality of Rome, opened on Wednesday 21 March 2012 at the Mercati di Traiano in Rome by HRH Princess Wijdan Al Hashemi President of the Royal Society of Fine Arts, representing HM Queen Rania Al Abdullah.

The exhibition includes 72 artworks from the permanent collection of the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts representing 57 Artists from different Arab countries, the artworks on display represents different styles, trends and subjects.

It also opened on 15 January 2013 at the Museu Valencia de la Il.lustracio I de la Modernitat, MuVIM Valencia, Spain. This exhibition is organized by the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts. It also exhibited at the Casa de America in Madrid on 28th March – May 2014.

المواضيع Arab arts
Jordanian art
Levantine art