The Game of Nations the Amorality of Power Politics / Miles Copeland


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 753
نوع المادة book
ردمك 0297764160
رقم الطلب 962.061 Cop
المؤلف Copeland, Miles

العنوان The Game of Nations the Amorality of Power Politics / Miles Copeland
بيان الطبعة 4th
بيانات النشر London, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970.
الوصف المادي 272p : 14cm*22cm
ملاحظات Hard cover
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية Appendix: 241p., Suggested reading list: 257p., Index: 263p.
المحتويات / النص Contents PREFACE II I THE WASHINGTON 'PEACE GAME' CENTER 15 The first prerequisite for winning a game is to know that you're in one 2 THE 'POLITICAL ACTION' EXPERIMENTS IN SYRIA: 1947-9 28 If you can't change the board, change the players. . . 3.THE SEARCH FOR A TRUE LEADER IN EGYPT: 195 1-2 47 .. . but settle for a true player, not a pawn 4 THE EMERGENCE OF NASSER, OUR 'INDEPENDENT ALLY' 61 That is to say, the new player you bring into the game 1riIl have his 0fDn objectives and policies . . . 5 THE 'NASSER-TYPE' LEADER AND HIS 'REPRESSIVE BASE' 76 _ _ _ and his first objective will be to stay in the game - any way he can 6. THE 'NASSER-TYPE' LEADER AND HIS 'CONSTRUCTIVE BASE' 92 His second objective will be to strengthen his position by ~means 7 )NASSER'S 'POSITIVE NEUTRALISM' the strategy of the weak player is to playoff the strong players against one another . . . ... 8.Nasser's 'union' OF POSITIVE neutralists …and if a single weak player can do this to good effect, a 'union' of weak players can do it to better effect 9. NASSERISM AND TERRORISM 171 If You're going to have a union, you've got to make life intolerable for the scabs... 10. THE SHOWDOWN OF 1958: CRISIS IN THE LEBANON 191 · . . and run the risk of pushing their powerful opponents too far . . . II. THE HOME-FRONT COSTS TO EGYPT OF NASSERIST FOREIGN POLICY · . . and push upward, beyond what you can afford, the costs of maintaining the facade required of an international power... 12. THE BI-POLAR WORLD BECOMES A MULTI-POLAR WORLD · . . and the gameboard may change on you, making your role irrelevant . . . 13. THE CLIMAX: THE ARAB-ISRAELI WAR OF JUNE 1967, AND ITS AFTERMATH· . . and you are likely to come to a Sad End.
المواضيع Egypt
Egypt -- History

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الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0007530001 962.061 Cop
1 متاح

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