Steam Kids in the Kitchen / Anne Corey, Amber Scordino, Ana Dziengel, Andra Weber, Chelsey Morashian, Danya Abraham, Erica Clark, Jamie Hand, Karyn Tripp, Leslie Manlapig, P.R. Newton


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 7467
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781638074526
رقم الطلب 500.7 R/ Mor Kids
المؤلف Carey, Anne
Scardino, Amber
Dzeingel, Ana
Weber, Andra
Morashian, Chelsey
Abraham, Danya
Clark, Erica
Hand, Jamie
Tripp, Karyn
Manpling, Leslie
Newton, P.R

العنوان Steam Kids in the Kitchen / Anne Corey, Amber Scordino, Ana Dziengel, Andra Weber, Chelsey Morashian, Danya Abraham, Erica Clark, Jamie Hand, Karyn Tripp, Leslie Manlapig, P.R. Newton
بيانات النشر Naperville, illinois, [UNITED STATES]: Callisto Publishing, 2025.
الوصف المادي 105p : 27x21cm
A kitchen full of captivating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) activities that will wow the boredom right out of kids!
Packed with a whopping 70+ activities and recipes, this book will get the kids having fun and learning in the kitchen. Ever wonder what makes bread rise, what molecular gastronomy means, or how a solar oven works? You'll find out in this book that teaches and excites with fun hands-on science, technology, engineering, art, and math projects. It's STEM & STEAM made fun!
المواضيع STEAM
AIDS (Disease) - Patients
Artificial intilligence

المواضيع technology -history

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0074670001 500.7 R/ Mor Kids
1 متاح

المرفقات :

العنوان الوصف