Becoming Emotionally Intelligent / Catherine Corrie


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 7465
نوع المادة book
ردمك 1-85539-069-8
رقم الطلب 152.4 Cor
المؤلف Corrie, Catherine

العنوان Becoming Emotionally Intelligent / Catherine Corrie
بيانات النشر Stafford, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Network Educational, 2004.
الوصف المادي 198p : 21cm*29cm
ملاحظات الكتاب غير مجلد
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية Includes bibliographical references and index.
المحتويات / النص 1. Intorduction: Emotional Intelligence 1p. 2. Internal and external environment 11p. 3. Understanding and managing behaviour 31p. 4. The limbic system 39p. 5. Fear and Love 53p. 6. The emotioanl effects of grief 63p. 7. Conneting with Children in our care 71p. 8. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: its effects on behaviour and learing 79p. 9. Self-esteem 97p. 10. Creating identity: knowing myself and choosing who I am 115p. 11. Optimisim and pessimism: their effects on learning 129p. 12. Spirituality and spiritual intelligence 137p. 13. Activities to develop Emotional intelligence 147p. 13. Activities to support changes in behaviour patterns and clear communication 155p. 15 activities to develop intrinsic motivation 165p. 16. Activities to develop a sense of identity 177p.
المواضيع Emotional intelligence
Interpersonal relations in children
Self-esteem in children
Emotional intelligence Case studies
Interpersonal relations in children Case studies
Self-esteem in children Case studies

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0074650001 152.4 Cor
1 متاح

المرفقات :

العنوان الوصف