Teaching steam trough hands-on crafts / Christine G.Schnittka and Amanda Haynes


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 7385
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781032549651
رقم الطلب 500.7 R/ Sch Kids
المؤلف Schnittka, Christine

العنوان Teaching steam trough hands-on crafts / Christine G.Schnittka and Amanda Haynes
بيانات النشر London and New York: Routledge, 2025.
الوصف المادي 250p : 25x17cm
المستخلص Help your students connect historic technologies with today’s STEAM concepts through the lens of crafting! This book, written by a science education professor and a middle school STEM teacher, provides guidance for turning classic crafts into transdisciplinary STEAM lessons for grades 3–8. Ready-to-use lessons outline the history, science, mathematics, and engineering embedded within ten hands-on crafts from around the world. Each chapter outlines the history of a craft, its social impact, and the mathematics, engineering, and scientific concepts and skills embedded in the craft. Content standards from art, history, English language arts, technology, mathematics, and science are embedded within each unit. Lessons are supplemented with ready-to-photocopy handouts, guiding questions, and logistical support such as shopping lists and safety procedures. Activities have all been classroom-tested to ensure appropriate leveling and applicability across STEAM disciplines. Ideal for any STEM or STEAM classroom across upper elementary and middle schools, this book helps make STEM concepts meaningful and tangible for your students. Rather than just reading about science, technology, mathematics, or engineering, students will become makers and engage in STEAM directly, just as original 
المواضيع STEAM

المواضيع Science - Study and teaching (Elementary)
technology -history

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0073850001 500.7 R/ Sch Kids
1 متاح

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