In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story / Khada Karmi


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 6541
نوع المادة book
ردمك 1859846947
رقم الطلب 956.04 Kar
المؤلف Karmi, Ghada

العنوان In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story / Khada Karmi
بيان الطبعة 1st
بيانات النشر London, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Verso
الوصف المادي 451p : 15.5cm*20cm
ملاحظات Hardcover
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية Pictures,
المستخلص Ghada Karmi’s acclaimed memoir relates her childhood in Palestine, flight to Britain after the catastrophe, and coming of age in Golders Green, the north London Jewish suburb. A powerful biographical story, In Search of Fatima reflects the author’s personal experiences of displacement and loss against a backdrop of the major political events which have shaped conflict in the Middle East. Speaking for the millions of displaced people worldwide who have lived suspended between their old and new countries, fitting into neither, this is an intimate, nuanced exploration of the subtler privations of psychological displacement and loss of identity 
المواضيع Karmi, Ghada
Physicians - Palestine - Bibliography
Women, Palestinian Arab - Bibliography
Israel - Arab war, 1948-1949 - Jerusalem - Personal narratives, Palestinian Arab

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0065410001 956.04 Kar
1 في الإعارة

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