رقم التسجيلة
نوع المادة
رقم الطلب
808.0665 D A Y
Day, Robert A
How to Write and Puplish a Scientific Paper / Robert A. Day
بيان الطبعة
بيانات النشر
Cambridge, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Cambridge University press, 1995.
الوصف المادي
223p : 13.5cm*22cm
paper cover
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية
Reference: 211p., Index: 215p.
المحتويات / النص
- Ch 1: What is scientific writing ?
- Ch 2: Origins of scientific writing
- Ch 3: What is scientific paper ?
- Ch 4: How to prepare the title
- Ch 5: How to list the authors and addresses
- Ch 6: How to prepare the abstract
- Ch 7: How to write the introduction
- Ch 8: How to write the materials and methods section
- Ch 9: How to write the results
- Ch 10: How to write the discussion
- Ch 11: How to state the anknowledgments
- Ch 12: How to cite the references
- Ch 13: How to design effective tables
- Ch 14: How to prepare effective illustrations
- Ch 15: How to keyboard the manuscript
- Ch 16: Where and how submit the manuscript
- Ch 17: The review process
- Ch 18: The publishing process
- Ch 19: How to order and use reprints
- Ch 20: How to write a review paper
- Ch 21: How to write a conference report
- Ch 22: How to write a book review
- Ch 23: How to write a thesis
- Ch 24: How to present apaper orally
- Ch 25: How to prepare aposer
- Ch 26: Ethics, rights and permissions
- Ch 27: Use and misuse of English
- Ch 28: Avoiding jargon
- Ch 29: How and when to use abberviations
- Ch 30: A personalized summary
Teaching Writing