Asad: the sphinx of Damascus / Moshe Ma'OZ


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 5586
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9780297793564
رقم الطلب 956.1 A/OZ
المؤلف Ma'oz, Moshe

العنوان Asad: the sphinx of Damascus / Moshe Ma'OZ
بيان الطبعة 1st edition
بيانات النشر London, [UNITED KINGDOM]: WeidenFeld & Nicolson, 1988.
الوصف المادي 226p : 24x16cm
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية Moshe Ma'oz is Professor of the Modem History of the Middle East at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is a prolific author on the politics of the Middle East. He has been a Visiting Fellow in Oxford. Harvard, and the Brookings Institution in Washington, and has played an active role as a political adviser on Arab affairs.
President Asad of Syna is one of the major power brokers in the Middle East His exceptional political career coupled with h his spectacular achievements, make him a remarkable and controversial- phenomenon. No one concemed with the Middle East today can afford to underestimate him.
His is the extraordinary story of an Alawite peasant boy who-against the odds. as a member of a minority sect in a predominantly Sunni Muslim society- skilfully and systematically rose to the supreme political position in Syria in 1970. He has managed to hold on to the reins of power for an unprecedented length of time. As President. he has transformed Syria from a weak. vulnerable country prone to coups and counter-coups into a strong state and formidable regional power that challenges, threatens or controls most countries or forces in the Middle East. Defying Egypt's predominance in Arab politics. Asad has endeavoured to become the new leader of the pan-Arab confrontation with Israel, and. challenging Israel's military superiority. he has tried to achieve a 'strategic balance with the Jewish state.
Moshe Maoz, an authority on Middle East affairs, examines Asad's motives and means: is he inspired by a genuine sense of mission to Syrian-Arab nationalism. following Ba'th doctrine? Or is he a crypto Alawite, whose lust for power and manipulative skills have enabled him to establish a personal dictatorship in the name of the Ba'th?
Is his a ruthless sectarian system based on compulsion and brutal suppression? Or is it a progressive socialist regime that has improved conditions for the poor? What are his strategic aims in the Middle East. and in relation to the Superpowers?
Moshe Ma'oz gives us a perceptive analysis of the achievements and ambitions of the
enigmatic figure whom Henry Kissinger called 'the most interesting man in the Middle East
المواضيع Pan-Arabism
syrian politics

المواضيع Israel-Arab conflicts
Socialism and education

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0055860001 956.1 A/OZ
1 متاح

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