رقم التسجيلة
نوع المادة
رقم الطلب
025.06 Man
Mann, Chris
Internet Communication and Qualitative Research: A handbook for Researching Online / Chris Mann & Fiona Stewart
بيان الطبعة
بيانات النشر
London, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Sage Publications, 2000.
الوصف المادي
256p : 16cm*24cm
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية
Appendices: 222p., References: 230p., Index: 249p.
المحتويات / النص
Acknowledgements ix
1 Introduction
1 Defining Terms
Researching the Internet
Towards Internet Methodologies
Technology Introduction 7
2 Practicalities of Using CMC 17 Advantages of CMC 17
Challenges of Using CMC 26 Internet Access and Usage 31
3 An Ethical Framework 39
Principles of Fair Information Processing Online 40
Practical Ethical Guidelines 47
Informed Consent 48 Confidentiality 57
Netiquette 59 Conclusion 62
4 Introducing Online Methods 65
Standardized Interviews 66
Non-standardized Interviews 75
Observational Techniques 84
Observation of Linguistic Behaviour 85
Participant Observation 87
Collecting Personal Documents 91
Mixed Methods 95 Conclusion 97
5 Online Focus Groups 99
The Focus Group Method 99
Online Focus Groups 101
Set-up and Access Requirements 103
The Online Venue and Environment 105
Selecting Online Participants 111
Online Discussion 121
Rigour and Validity in Online Focus Groups 123
Condusion 124
6 The Online Interviewer 126
Is CMC a Suitable Medium for Interviewing? 126
Purpose and Focus of the Interview 130
Aspects of Technical Expertise 132
Interpersonal Expertise Online 136
Relational Expertise in Group Discussions 144
Asking Questions 147
Asking Questions in Groups 152
Finishing Interviews 157
Conclusion 159
7 Power Issues in Internet Research 160
Visual Social Cues and Power Relations 162
Gender and Social Cues Online 165
Language as Social Cue 166
Gendered Language Online 166
Reconsidering the Online Environment 167
Semi-Private Interaction Using CMC 169
Public Interaction Using CMC 176
Conclusion 180
8 Language Mode and Analysis 181
CMC as a 'Hybrid' Mode of Communication 181
Is CMC an Effective Research Mode? 189
Further Implications for Data Analysis 193
Conclusion 194
9 Virtuality and Data 195
Entering the Field Using CMC 195
Researching Unfamiliar Cultures 198
Researching Familiar Cultures 201
Researching Online Cultures 203
Online Field and Data 207
Identity and Disembodiment 208
Implications of Disembodiment for Research Practice 211
Conclusion 214
10 Future Directions 216
Glossary 219
Appendix A: Online Consent Form 222
Appendix B: An Email Text-based Survey 225
Appendix C: A Web-page-based Survey 228
References 230
Index 249
Internet (Computer network)Research Computer network resources
الأسماء المرتبطة
Stewart, Fiona