Bertolt Brecht, Practice Pieces VHS / Bertolt Brecht


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 12142
نوع المادة audiovisuals
و.م.العام صورة متحركة
رقم الطلب 791.4352 Bre
المؤلف Brecht, Bertolt

العنوان Bertolt Brecht, Practice Pieces VHS / Bertolt Brecht
بيانات النشر Kent, CT, [UNITED STATES]: Creative arts television archive, 1964.
الوصف المادي 28 min : 10cm * 18cm ; VHS, black and white
المستخلص This is a videotape recording of a performance, in English translation, of two of Bertolt Brecht's largely unknown and seldom performed "Uebungstuecke fuer schauspieler"-- "Practice pieces for actors". Brecht wrote these scenes to train actors in his own method for doing classical drama. These scenes were meant to be vigrously rehearsed but then omitted when the play was presented. The idea was to oblige the actors to embody their characters' human weakness. Brecht felt this would undercut any tendency on the part of the actor to adopt an "heroic" interpretation. Niot surprisingly, the "human weakness" betray economic dependency.
المواضيع الدراما الإبداعية
الدراما والمسرح في تعليم الطفل ( منهج وتطبيق )

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0121420001 791.4352 Bre
1 متاح

المرفقات :

العنوان الوصف