رقم التسجيلة
نوع المادة
صورة متحركة
رقم الطلب
791.4352 Mer
Arts Archives: Michael Chekhov's psychological gesture VHS / Joanna Merlin
بيانات النشر
Exeter, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Arts Documentation Unit, 2000.
الوصف المادي
130 min : 10cm * 18cm ; VHS
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية
Arts Archives
The fifth Archive 2000-2001 / 1
Joanna Merlin was a student of Michael Chekhov's in Los Angeles at the end of Chekhov's life. In this video Archive of a week-long workshop given to professional actors at the Birmingham School of Music and Drama as part of a conference on Chechov organised by the centre for Performance Research, Merlin introduces the detailed practices and thinking that inform this technique which holds a central place in Chekhov actor trtaining. Merlin herself is a well-known actress, both in films and on Brodway, as well as being casting directer for such films as Bertolucci's "The last emperor" .
الدراما الإبداعيةالدراما والمسرح في تعليم الطفل ( منهج وتطبيق )
الأسماء المرتبطة
Merlin, Joanna