رقم التسجيلة
نوع المادة
صورة متحركة
رقم الطلب
791.4352 Ser
Arts Archives: The use of sticks in performance training VHS / Andrei Serban
بيانات النشر
Exeter, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Arts Documentation Unit, 1999.
الوصف المادي
100 min : 10cm * 18cm ; VHS
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية
Arts Archives
The fourth archive 1998-99 / 4
Sticks have been used to train performers in different cultures and at different times - by the Peking Opera, Meyerhold, the Open Theatre and Peter Brook. This video is a record of varieties of stick work proposed by andrei Serban to a group of performers during a week-long training session in Leeds, UK. Serban, originally from Romania, worked with Brook in Paris, before going to New York to work with La Mama and currently at Columbia University. He has an international reputation as a director of theatre and opera.
الدراما الإبداعيةالدراما والمسرح في تعليم الطفل ( منهج وتطبيق )
الأسماء المرتبطة
Serban, Andrei